The staff of TerraX has years of experience facilitating consultation among numerous Federally and State-recognized Native American nations and the United States Government. As archaeologists in the southeastern United States, we confront the realities of protecting Native American history on a daily basis. It’s our goal to treat all artifacts and burials associated with Indigenous peoples with the respect and dignity they deserve. Our team is trained and equipped to consult with Tribal representatives to ensure we preserve and honor the rich cultural traditions of the Native American communities in our region. Our role has covered everything from making travel and lodging arrangements to holding sensitivity training classes for the U.S. personnel attending the consultation meetings.
Dedicated Staff
The Native American tribes of the Southeastern United States have centuries of rich history. We value that history and strive to do our part to protect it. That's why two of our Senior Archaeologists, Paul D. Jackson and Mark Donop, have prioritized consulting with native tribal representatives and coordinating our efforts with theirs to ensure proper care for all Native American artifacts and archaeological sites.

Paul D. Jackson
Senior Archaeologist
Project Manager

Mark Donop
Senior Archaeologist
Laboratory Director