Our variety of state-of-the-art, near-surface geophysical equipment and techniques can be applied to nearly all site conditions. We use all our own equipment to capture high quality images, assess sites for cultural resources we can’t see with a simple visual inspection, and gather important data. From GPR to LiDAR to magnetics and beyond, our geophysical surveys are an essential part of the work we do.
Dedicated Staff
Here, we believe that the non-destructive and non-invasive nature of geophysical techniques provides a useful and ethical tool for recording even some of the most sensitive archaeological sites. That's why TerraX is proud to have a team of geophysics specialists. Our experts are in the field every day, working to protect and preserve archaeological sites, sensitive artifacts, and cemeteries.

Shaun West
Senior Archaeologist
Lead Geophysical Specialist

Natalia Moonier
Remote Sensing Specialist
Crew Chief